Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Universal Law of Attraction

You may believe it or you may be a fervent sketptical. The fact is we all are subject to the law of attraction. It is just like gravity, or the tide in the ocean. It is there, and just continue doing its job….
Blessings of Happiness to You!

New Site: Best Your Life

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Earth Hour is March 25, 2011 at 8:30pm

I sincerely respect what the the Earth Hour Action represents. Together, let's make a difference for Earth; Let's switch off the lights and light candles.  I humbly ask you to take this action, which is a symbol of Humanity Unity, Brotherhood, and Love. ... Let's unify our effort, and make a wonderful and beneficial impact to the world energy saving. This action benefits all of us, and our children, wordly. 
xx Peace, Love, and Unity! 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Master the Law of Attraction : 3 Steps

In order to master the Law of Attraction, these are the steps. Ask, Believe, Receive.
Step 1 – You ASK.
If you ask , you must be clear about what you want to attract in your life. When you ask, you set your  emotions to send a vibration to the Universe, from feeling which come from your thought. Then the Universe matches that Thought/feeling/vibration. If you are for example feeling happy. The nest thing is that the Universe will send you more of whatever makes you heart feel happy; on the other hand, if you send sadness vibrations to  the Universe, It will give you more of what makes you feel sad. The stronger the emotion, the faster and more powerful the attraction. To recap, when you ask, feel a strong positive emotion about the things you want to attract. If you think, " That's enough! I do Not want any more of these debts, well, the Universe hears , "You said Debts? OK, let's execute that order, hold on! let me deliver more of these debts! Oh, no! Picture yourself already experiencing the situation you want in your heart. Focus of your positive emotions, also make a try to replace your negative emotions with better and good feelings , then you vibrate with the Universe, as in a perfect synch. great! You are on your way!
for more, CLICK HERE

Monday, March 7, 2011

Jim Carrey and Abundance

What is the Universe? How does one experience the Universe? Jim Carrey, the actor, discusses how one day, he just asked to him self,"Who is it that I am aware that I am thinking?', and I was thrown in an expansive, amazing feeling of pure freedom.. from myself, away from my problems...; I saw [ and realized] that I was bigger than whatever I do, bigger than my [physical] body. I was... For More, CLICK HERE 

As usual, your comments are welcome!

Peace, Abundance, Prosperity to You!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How to Transform Your Life : Law of Attraction Free Stuff

In this book, you will find out how to overcome your beliefs, Create your life, master the Law of Attraction,  learn methods for attracting people , events, things in your life, how to build a vision board, trouble shoot if “It is not working,” Let Go of your blockages and excuses, about beliefs and how they work for you or against you, your life purpose,
for more on this, CLICK HERE 

If you go to www.bestyourlife4.com, you will find :

Free Inspiring Videos,

* a Free Report called: Best Your Life Secrets (…to Change Your Life),

*  the recently finished book which you see on the left, the sequel to the first Best Your Life book.

To go to the site, you may click on the book or here: BEST YOUR LIFE: More Steps to Transform Your Life!

In this book, you will find all the information  you have to know, everything you need to know on the Law of Attraction, such as, Practice exercises, Techniques, and son on.
May You live a Transformed Life filled with Positive Energy!
Peace, Love, Happiness to You, Always.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How to Think as a Millionaire

The following short article explains how to think like the typical millionaires, aka enlightened millionaires. Certainly, exceptions exist, the "dark" millionaires living lives without any beneficent contact with people, and in fact living a void, a poor , unhappy state of mind.  Note that this is a small number of millionaires. With this being clarified, here are tips on how to think life a millionaire.

Millionaire do not think about money with any concern. They simply know that money is ... for more, Click HERE 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Millionaire Tips from a Pro

Here is a bucketful of Millionaire tips... You may have never heard of Mack Michaels, but he seems the real deal. He shows you all you need to do in a very concise training. He has taught 30,000 people in 2 years in his marketing training. He made $5.1 million Net Profit , with 4 accounts, in only 2 years....

To Do more, To Give More, to Help more, Have more!
Peace, Abundance, Happiness to You!